Organizational Change PowerPoint Presentation
In Chapters 3 of your text on table 3.2 there are listed nine models and approaches to organizational change. Consider that you are a large organization and you are preparing to move your business from New Jersey to Arizona in 12 months. Your business has 2500 employees. Some will lose their job, some will retire and some will move with the company. You have 12 months to prepare for this organizational change. Your job is to recommend to management the model (one model please) that they should use over the coming year to best manage this change. So, I ask that you prepare a 14-16 page presentation (Powerpoint) comparing and contrasting the nine models with the end goal to select one that best fits this organizational situation. In addition, include a title page, an introductory page (an agenda), a concluding page and a reference page. Each of the 14-16 pages should include notes with at least 150 – 200 words each on the notes section within Powerpoint (VIEW / NOTES). The notes reflect comments that you will use for yourself when you present this presentation to management. They are your talking points. The Powerpoint slides that management will see while you are talking will be a summary, typically in bullet format. The first half of your presentation will include the discussion of the nine models, and in the second half of your presentation, select the change model that you think is most appropriate for this process of getting your employees on board with the upcoming move. Discuss the phases of the model you select and explain why it is most appropriate. Use several slides to explain the steps this company should take using the recommended model and why they are important for success. Move through the 12 month process. This should be a timeline of events they need to perform over the 12 months. Use the many options for color and innovative layouts available in Powerpoint to make your presentation professional. Review the rubric. Make your presentation interesting and attractive to the audience. If you use photos or diagrams, make sure they are open source while still citing your source. Use APA format for this assignment. Review the supporting materials within this assignment for tips on creating a good presentation. See APA reference guides in the content section of the classroom under course materials. Find at least two other references other than your book and use the article in your presentation. A website is not a scholarly source. Please use a journal or article from the library. Your reference should have an author! Avoid quotes. Use your own words while still citing your sources.