Markets and society proposal

Markets and society proposal, summative Assignment Brief:

Develop a strategic project proposal for the Senior Management Team of an organisation of your choice. The proposal should focus on the development of a ‘Strategic Initiative’ that is designed to have a positive impact on the organisation in terms of corporate brand identity/development, stakeholder engagement, internal organisational structures and/or external collaborations.


Apply the theories, models, tools and practices from the Module Workshops, supported by wider reading and research, in the development of the proposal. Employ robust critical thinking techniques to ensure that the proposal is feasible and valuable, with a clear and viable Return-on-Investment argument.



What to include?


Ensure you follow a report format and therefore, your proposal should have a cover page. Remember to reference all pictures, logos, graphs, tables and figures and to include theories, models, tools and practices taught both in class as well as your own research that you have conducted outside of the class teaching.


  1. Executive Summary
  2. Table of Content
  3. Introduction to the company – include information around their purpose, vision statement, value. You can also discuss the brand’s tone of voice, colours and it’s meaning, as well as the shareholders and stakeholders.

Remember to critically assess the effects of complex internal structures, management functions and control systems on the effectiveness of organisations.

  1. Micro and macro environments and the impact on the company
  2. Overview of company’ current strategy
  3. Your proposed Strategic Initiative – remember it needs to focus on one of the following elements: brand identity/development, stakeholder engagement, internal organisational structures and/or external collaborations. Think of sustainability!
  4. Strategic Objectives – how the new Strategic Initiative will benefit the company and how will you measure the success. Remember to keep it short simple, however, SMART!
  5. Conclusion
  6. References
  7. Appendix (if applicable)


Remember, the work you produce needs to link back to the Assessment Learning Outcomes below.


Assessment Learning Outcomes:


Learning Outcome Assessment Criteria Specific Focus
Analyse and evaluate the complexities of the internal and external Stakeholder management Subject Knowledge and Understanding,

Research and Enquiry; Applied/Practical Skills


Key tenets of subject, theory, context, limitations,

Identify relevant sources, from diverse sources

Analyse different approaches to Collaboration and dynamic relationship management in organisations.


Research and Enquiry;

Academic Skills;

Subject Knowledge and Understanding; Applied/Practical Skills


Key tenets of subject, theory, context, limitations

Identify relevant sources, from diverse sources

Critically assess the effects of complex internal structures, strategic imperatives, management functions and control systems on the effectiveness of organisations.


Subject Knowledge and Understanding;

Applied/Practical Skills;

Values, Qualities and Attributes


Key tenets of subject, theory, context, limitations

Identify relevant sources, from diverse sources

Critically assess the key concepts and emerging theories of Brand management and consumer engagement with respect to Sustainable Development Goal 9: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure. Academic Skills;

Subject Knowledge and Understanding;

Applied/Practical Skills;

Values, Qualities and Attributes


Key tenets of subject, theory, context, limitations

Identify relevant sources, from diverse sources