Examining the Historical Roots of Residential Schools
ASSIGNMENT 3: Examining the Historical Roots of Residential Schools. In this assignment, you will find a contemporary event that has historic roots (which is pretty much everything) and develop a historical précis that contextualizes the event/issue. Once you’ve got approval, write it up in essay form. Layout more fully the current issue and the historic challenge, and then show what historians think about the topic. Use no more than 1500 words on the historical context of a particular issue. To make it more challenging, you must, as well, provide a 200-word summary of the sort that would explain the context simply and concisely to a journalist or for a Wikipedia entry. A link to the original news item. https://bc.ctvnews.ca/remains-of-215-children-found-at-former-residential-school-in-british-columbia-1.5446259 Your statement of why this topic matters. The primary purpose of the residential school system in Canadian society involved enhancing the assimilation of the communities into civilization. An excellent example encompassed the government’s focus on forcing indigenous communities to learn modern education and abolish the traditional practice. Although the core initiative entailed advocating for growth and development, the method used in the process caused trauma among families from the separation of parents from their offspring for civilization essence. The efforts to educate the children caused the abolition of traditional practices that contributed to their social identity. Therefore, this topic matters most because the rejection by the indigenous communities from attending schools intensified their marginalization in the modern world. Although the intention involved enhancing the adoption of new lifestyle habits and boosting the quality of living, the approach negatively affected the Indigenous communities’ lifestyles which is essential to discuss and explore historically in the Canadian society to be understood and shared among our children. A list of helpful sources Belshaw, John. Histories of Indigenous Peoples and Canada. Montreal: PressBooks, 2020. Bradford, Tolly, and Chelsea Horton, eds. Mixed Blessings: Indigenous Encounters with Christianity in Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2016. See esp. pp. 1–20. Elbourne, Elizabeth. “Managing Alliance, Negotiating Christianity: Haudenosaunee Uses of Anglicanism in Northeastern North America.” In Mixed Blessings: Indigenous Encounters with Christianity in Canada,edited by Tolly Bradford and Chelsea Horton, 38–60. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2016. Haig-Brown, Celia. Resistance and Renewal: Surviving the Indian Residential School. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 1988. Rev. ed. 2006. Ignace, Ron, and Marianne Ignace. Secwépemc People, Land, and Laws: Yeri7 Re Stsq’ey’s-Kucw. (Montréal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017), 404–424. Marker, Michael. “Borders and the Borderless Coast Salish: Decolonising Historiographies of Indigenous Schooling.” History of Education 44, no. 4 (2015): 480–502. McCallum, Mary Jane Logan. “‘I Would Like the Girls at Home’: Domestic Labour and the Age of Discharge at Canadian Indian Residential Schools.” In Colonization and Domestic Service: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, edited by Victoria Haskins and Claire Lowry, 191–209. New York: Routledge, 2014. Raibmon, Paige. “‘A New Understanding of Things Indian’: George Raley’s Negotiation of the Residential School Experience.” BC Studies110 (Summer 1996): 69–96. Raptis, Helen, with members of the Tsimshian Nation. What We Learned: Two Generations Reflect on Tsimshian Education and the Day Schools. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2016. See esp. pp. 27-102. (A printed copy is available at the TRU Library). Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. They Came for the Children: Canada, Aboriginal Peoples, and Residential Schools. Ottawa: Library and Archives of Canada, 2012. See esp. pp. 21–53. Walmsley, Chris. Protecting Aboriginal Children. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2005. See esp. pp. 8–30.