Examine a pattern in Pride and Prejudice

– Examine a pattern in Pride and Prejudice in order to explore a larger question about plot or character. begin with a pattern, and build on that pattern to form a conclusion about the work as a whole. The first step in writing this essay is to identify a pattern and to find several examples of the pattern in the text. A pattern may be anything that repeats, but you may find it helpful to focus on very concrete patterns, such as a word, a phrase, a category of imagery or figures of speech: for example, the word “happy” or war imagery in Pride and Prejudice. Next, spend some time with the examples of the pattern. Consider all the formal elements in passages or images that include examples of your pattern (word choice, metaphor/figures of speech, tone, perspective, frame, etc.). Then develop a claim about the significance of the pattern, accounting for what it means, how it creates that meaning, and how it contributes to the effect of the work as a whole. As we discussed in class, genre refers to the type or category of literature in which a particular work falls. It differs from form (as in “sonnet form”) in that it is governed not by a set of structural rules so much as by a set of expectations which are set up by recognizable features of the text and then either fulfilled or not fulfilled. Different works within a given genre can be compared to one another based on “family resemblances,” which include both similarity and difference. Multiple genres can be present in a single work. Your goals in this essay are as follows: * Identify and research a concrete pattern in the text(s). * Thoroughly examine passages from the text(s) in which the pattern is evident. In each paragraph, quote from the text and point to specific details in the quoted passage (including such literary devices as imagery, figures of speech, and diction) to develop an argument about how the text creates meaning. * Make a contentious claim about the significance of a pattern in the text(s). Write an effective introduction and conclusion. Include a title, page numbers, your name at the top of every page, a heading, and a staple. * Demonstrate mastery of citation format, grammar, usage, and other writing skills. * Where appropriate, use class discussion as a starting point for your independent argument.